Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let's Try This Again

On January 8, 2009, I began this blog. In my very first post, one of the things I wrote was this:

"...I realized that I am being called to try something different. I feel called to use my knowledge, experience, gifts and talents to develop a new type of ministry -- a ministry that develops the individual so that he or she can then make an even greater difference in the world. For if there is one thing I have witnessed over the years, time and time again, it is that people who are healthier in body, mind, and spirit, are usually the ones who are better able to minister to others. By taking better care of themselves, they end up being better equipped to take care of the people around them."

Unfortunately, a few months later I found myself in a position where I needed to spend more time taking care of myself and my family. I was employed by a failing auto parts company, and forced to work in Juarez -- the current murder capitol of Mexico (and the world, if I'm not mistaken). I decided that much of the time that I had been devoting to online publishing should be used to prepare for and find a new job in a safer part of the country.

Well... I succeeded! After 7 months and over 75 customized resumes (not to mention the countless pages of online applications, phone interviews, etc.), I landed a better job, earning a better wage, with excellent benefits, and tremendous career potential. Oh... and did I mention that I don't have to venture into Juarez every day? (When was the last time you landed a job that drastically increased your life expectency?)

Here we are -- a year after starting this blog and 8 months since my last post -- and I'm ready to start writing once more. Over the coming weeks and months, I'll share with you the lessons I learned while searching for a new job, as well as the support and sacrifice that I needed from my family. I'll also spend some time documenting my continuing quest for fitness which, unfortunately, continues to elude me at times. And as always, there will be plenty of thoughts about faith and spirituality, which tends to be the glue that holds everything else together.

So, my friends... shall we try this again?

Train hard and pray harder,