Friday, February 6, 2009

Pick-Me-Ups that don’t Pack-It-On

In spite of what the candy bar manufacturers would have you believe, a sugar-packed candy snack is not the best way to get past a mid-afternoon energy slump. Likewise, firing up the coffee maker again is not the best choice (even though coffee may not be the evil drink that many people would have you believe).

So when your eyelids are weighing heavy in the afternoon and you’re struggling to stay awake while the boss drones on and on, here are three things you can try in order to keep you going for a few more hours!

1. Drink water and walk around. Especially if you’ve been chugging java in the morning, your feelings of fatigue may actually be dehydration. Drink some water and then take a walk to get your blood flowing better. After your walk, drink some more water and continue to sip for the rest of the afternoon. This is a no-calorie tip that will actually help you burn more calories throughout your day.

2. Fresh fruit, tempered with protein and fat. Instead of grabbing a candy bar, get an energy zap from a high fructose fruit such as watermelon. You’ll get your sugar rush, but also a dose of fiber and a shot of vitamins (A and C), all for about 100 calories for 2 cups of fruit! Throw in some protein and a little fat (low fat string cheese, seeds, or nuts) and the sugar will metabolize slower and make the energy boost last longer. Keep it to 1 cup of fruit and 1/4 cup of nuts (or one serving of cheese) and you’ll keep it around 200 calories for this excellent pick-me-up.

3. Ye’ old PB&J on whole wheat bread. Much like the fresh fruit with protein and fat described above, this old childhood favorite packs quite a wallop because of its wonderful combination of carbs, protein, and good fats. And if you only make a one-slice sandwich, then you should come in at about 200 calories.

So when you’re eyelids are droopin’ and you don’t know how you’re going to make it through the rest of the day, try one of these 3 tips to get a pick-me-up that’s not a pack-it-on!

Train hard and pray harder,
Brandon Jubar

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