Monday, March 23, 2009

Get Off the Negative Bandwagon

Unemployment is on the rise. Layoffs are commonplace at many companies. Benefits for both employees and retirees are being cut more and more. Cash is king... but there's less and less to go around. And many people are finding that there is more month at the end of the money.

How can you not be pessimistic? How can you not join in with co-workers who seem to find ever more creative ways of predicting doom and gloom? Like so many things in life, moaning and complaining is a bandwagon that's easy to hop on, but hard to get off.

What I find rather interesting is that the "doom and gloom" people at most workplaces are treated as if they are all-seeing prophets who have a crystal ball that they use to scry the future. Yet someone who is upbeat and positive, on the other hand, is treated as if he or she has some sort of psychological malaise.

I could go on and on describing this phenomenon, but I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. So instead, let me just explain what I think we need to do:
  1. Don't be a sheep and blindly follow the naysayers and negative ninnies.
  2. Remember that the choice is always yours.
  3. Choose optimism.
Will you be wrong sometimes? Absolutely. But that's not the point. The point is that negative words and ideas create negative energy, and negative energy saps your spirit. And considering all of the truly serious problems that we're facing today, none of us needs any additional negativity if we can help it... so get off of the negative bandwagon! The choice is yours.

Train hard and pray harder,
Brandon Jubar

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