Thursday, January 8, 2009

The thousand mile journey...

...begins with but a step. It's something I first heard a long time ago, and I've come across it in some form or another many, many times since then. It's a wonderful message and it's extremely appropriate for my first post on the TrainingTheTemple blog.

But first, let me tell you a little story about how this all came to be...

I've been involved in ministry since 1985, when I was fresh out of high school. Much of what I have done is in the area of youth ministry, but I have given workshops and seminars for both teens and adults and have been extremely active in my parish and in our diocese. Aside from that, I also have a vibrant, growing eMinistry. In short, when it comes to ministry, I have years of experience in many areas from which to call upon. And that is the first piece of the puzzle.

I earned my Bachelor in Communications from the University of Michigan, and then completed a 2-year Paralegal program at Oakland University. I decided against Law School though, and went on to earn my Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University. Believing I should learn a foreign language, I then took a few semesters of German. Unfortunately they canceled it as a major and I never did get that second Bachelor degree. I did, however, earn a second graduate degree by completing my Master in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University. To sum it up, I am a lifelong learner and perpetual student, and I will continue to learn everything I can about the things that fascinate me. And that is the second piece of the puzzle.

I was a high school athlete with multiple varsity awards, a trophy-winning distance runner, and a black belt in Karate. Once I entered college, I became even more focused on exercise and fitness; and I continued to read many, many books on health, diet, exercise, and fitness during the years following college. Being the perpetual learner, to this day I continue to soak up as much information as I can find on these subjects. And that is the third piece of the puzzle.

I want to help people. I enjoy helping people. In fact, my wife says my biggest fault is that I just can't say "no" to anyone! This tendency (compulsion?) also inspires me to share any knowledge that I've found to be useful in some way. I'm not much for trivia, but I definitely love to share helpful hints, tips, and ideas with anyone who cares to listen. And that is the fourth and final piece of the puzzle.

When I put all of those pieces together, I realized that I am being called to try something different. I feel called to use my knowledge, experience, gifts and talents to develop a new type of ministry -- a ministry that develops the individual so that he or she can then make an even greater difference in the world. For if there is one thing I have witnessed over the years, time and time again, it is that people who are healthier in body, mind, and spirit, are usually the ones who are better able to minister to others. By taking better care of themselves, they end up being better equipped to take care of the people around them.

That's where TrainingTheTemple comes in... and that's also the beginning of my thousand mile journey. I've spent a great deal of time developing the concepts and techniques that I'll be sharing with you over the next weeks, months, and (hopefully) years; but it is a journey! And being the perpetual learner that I am, I will continue to develop and refine things as we go. God can get it right the first time, but I'm not so vain as to think that I can.

Train hard but pray harder,
Brandon Jubar

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