Monday, May 4, 2009

Dog Daze...

I had planned on dragging my butt out of bed around 4:45 this morning so that I could get in a good workout before heading to the office. I had my workout clothes ready to go, my new weekly workout sheet printed and on the clipboard, and the alarm set when I went to bed. It was going to be an excellent, healthy start to what promised to be a long week!

Unfortunately, our dog had different plans for me.

Murphy is getting very old, and his stomach isn't quite what it used to be. After dinner last night, my wife gave him some table scraps... and we paid for it all night. Our poor dog was up at least once an hour needing to go outside and relieve himself. Needless to say, by the time 5am rolled around, I was in no shape to workout.

Life is like that sometimes. We can have everything planned -- have everything all laid out -- and life throws us a curve ball and our plans seem to fall apart. When it comes to health and fitness, we need to be a bit flexible. I prefer to workout in the morning, but I'll compromise today and squeeze in my workout after the kids go to bed tonight. Not an optimal time for me to be sure, but it's far better than skipping the workout altogether (or bumping it a day, which throws off my entire week).

Planning is generally good, but don't rely so much on a plan that you become paralyzed or demoralized when it doesn't go the way you expected. Just shake it off, refocus on your goal, and make do with the situation at hand... even when an old pooch with a stomach ache keeps you up all night and leaves you in a 'dog daze'!

Train hard and pray harder,

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